Johnny Depp’s Art – Never Fear Truth

For Johnny Depp there has always been art.

Before acting, and before music, art has always been an important outlet for his creativity.

He went on tour with the Hollywood Vampires and decided to write a memoir on an old manual typewriter, like his hero Thompson.

“I poured myself a vodka in the morning and started writing until the tears filled my eyes and I couldn’t see the page anymore,” he says. He wipes his eyes with the sleeves of his white shirt and continues his monologue. “I kept trying to figure out what I’d done to deserve this. I’d tried being kind to everyone, helping everyone, being truthful to everyone.” He pauses for a moment. “The truth is most important to me. And all this still happened.”

RollingStone, June 21, 2018

“What I truly, truly hope is that you enjoy the work, that you are able to take something from it… even a smile”

– Johnny Depp

I was lucky to be with Johnny Depp. He taught me a lot about fame.

He told me ‘never complain, never explain’.

That’s why I don’t use Twitter and things like that.

I don’t want people to know what is true all the time and that’s what keeps the mystery.

Kate Moss